Fraudopedia will provide customized forensic training to designated employees of your company.
Our training will equip them with the knowledge required to:
Identify and formulate fraud hypothesis
Understand the various ways in which fraud is committed
Evaluate fraud risks and effectiveness of internal controls
Develop a plan to prevent and detect fraud
Suggest remedial measures to enhance effectiveness of internal controls
Identify and formulate fraud hypothesis
Understand the various ways in which fraud is committed
Evaluate fraud risks and effectiveness of internal controls to address such fraud risks
Develop a plan to investigate fraud
Determine appropriate forensic techniques to investigate fraud
Suggest remedial measures to enhance effectiveness of internal controls
Identify and formulate fraud hypothesis
Understand the various ways in which fraud is committed
Evaluate fraud risks and effectiveness of internal controls to address such fraud risks
Develop a plan to prevent and detect fraud
Evaluate fraud risks and effectiveness of internal controls to address such fraud risks
Suggest remedial measures to enhance effectiveness of internal controls
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